I was at a wedding the other day, it was in Ireland, and was truly fantastic. I absolutely love the Irish's passion for life, family and partying. It was by far the best short break I'd had in a long time, the people were lovely and the atmosphere relaxed, even though I was possesed by the "Shingle Bells" and couldn't enjoy the fine booze that was on offer thanks to the horse sized anti-viral pills and pain killers I was hoofing down. Whilst my husband kindly consumed enough alcohol for a small nation, taunted me with how nice the red tasted and the fact I was on babysitting duty for the evening in one ear, I enjoyed some very fine wisdom from a very inspiring Irish lady in the other. She said.....
"Darn' worry, all men become fookers when you've spawned their offspring, and don't let anyone tell you oterwise. And don't even be tinking about findin' a new one, he'll be just as fookin' frustatin' as the original one, maybe even worse. Trust me, I know, you may as well stick wit da one you've got. Sit back and tink of the hang-over he's going to have tomorrow. Wake him up early and fook-off, leave him alone wit the baby as pay-back for being such a cheeky bugger, you'll be grand. He has a nice bum though."
What a charming woman, that's probably the best advice I've received in years.
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